HTD305XB1 universal diesel turbocharger
SKU: HTD3054B1
PriceFrom €990.00
* Price is shown without VAT and shipping costs.
Power range: 400+ HP
Core: dual ceramic ball bearing
Created using our BMW diesel upgrade turbocharger it has most common V-band exhaust and manifold connections, billet compressor wheel, durable ceramic ball bearing and vacuum control actuator for universal and efficient power gain.
HTD3050B1 specifications HTD3054B1 specifications Compressor side:
- Compressor wheel: 7+7 blades custom reinforced billet;
- Inducer: 50mm;
- Exducer: 72mm;
- Air intake inlet: 63mm / 2.5";
- Air outlet: 51mm / 2";
- custom dual ceramic ball bearing;
- newest generation variable geometry;
Turbine side:
- Turbine housing based on BMW e series 170kw 3.0d turbocharger model;
- Turbine wheel: 9 blades;
- Inducer: 58mm;
- Exducer: 54mm;
- Flange: BMW manifold V-band;
- Exhaust connection: V-band;
Compressor side:
- Compressor wheel: 7+7 blades custom reinforced billet;
- Inducer: 54mm;
- Exducer: 73mm;
- Air intake inlet: 63mm / 2.5";
- Air outlet: 51mm / 2";
- custom dual ceramic ball bearing;
- newest generation variable geometry;
Turbine side:
- Turbine housing based on BMW e series 170kw 3.0d turbocharger model;
- Turbine wheel: 9 blades;
- Inducer: 58mm;
- Exducer: 54mm;
- Flange: BMW manifold V-band;
- Exhaust connection: V-band;
ATTENTION! Import taxes may apply when buying from outside EU. Tax rates are calculated and collected by buyers local customs. VAT (Value Added Tax - 21%) is applied only for buyers from EU. For full information about import taxes in your country please visit your local customs website. - Compressor wheel: 7+7 blades custom reinforced billet;